
Backflow & Thermostatic Mixing Valve Testing

Backflow testing and thermostatic mixing valve testing are required for each valve at least every twelve months.

The results of the valve testing confirms if the valve is still operating correctly or if it needs maintenance.

Only plumbers that have the required endorsements are authorised to test both these valves.

Backflow testing:

Backflow valves help protect you from certain contamination hazards that create a back pressure and/or back siphonage on your property.

When the backflow testing confirms the valves are operating correctly, your drinking water is protected from these hazards.

Thermostatic mixing valve testing:

Thermostatic mixing valves help protect you from high hot water temperatures created by hot water systems.

When the thermostatic mixing valve testing confirms these valves are operating correctly, people using the hot water taps are better protected from serious burns or scalding.

RapidHeat is endorsed to test both of these valves so that you remain compliant with annual testing requirements.

